
Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.


We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.


It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.

Learn Share Enjoy

In three words,We can define our lives.They are By Learning the Things,Sharing the Information and Enjoying with Everyone ...!!!


It is the process of building relationship by sharing the Useful information among each and every Individual in a Network. We created this network to achieve the above Mentioned Goal

Monday, November 19, 2012

Halo CE Dedicated Server Setup

Table of Contents
A. Installation
B. System Requirements
C. Running the Dedicated Server
D. Creating a Batch file
E. Setting up a basic init.txt file
F. Custom Gameyptes
G. Message of the Day
H. Setting up rcon (commands list and rcon guide included)
I. Setting up a server log
J. Setting up an autoban system
K. Port forwarding
L. Command Line Arguments
M. Running Multiple Servers
N. Relocating Custom gametypes/log file folders
O. Dealing with lag issues

A. Installation
Installing the dedicated server is quite simple. It is included with the installation of Halo CE. Just find your Halo CE root folder. Default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\
***Make sure you download this Update 

B. System Requirements
To run an optimal Halo PC dedicated server, a personal computer with the following requirements is recommended: 
• Personal computer with a 1.4 GHz or higher processor 
• Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server (with all service packs installed) 
• 256 MB of RAM or more Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
• When running multiple instances on a server, these requirements have to be adjusted to account for the additional resources required.

C. Running the Dedicated Server
There are two ways to run the dedicated server:
1. Browse to where your Dedicated Server installation folder is and double Click on the haloceded.exe
2. Create a batch file and then double click on the batch file.

D. Creating a Batch File

To create a startup batch file: 
1. Open Notepad (or a similar pure text editor) 
2. On the first line enter: start {drive}:\{path}\haloceded.exe -exec {drive}:\{path}\init.txt
3. Click "File" > "Save As" and then navigate to where you want to save the file and name it "HaloCEStart.bat" - Change Save as Type to "All Files" and Encoding to "Ansi" then click "Save"

E. Setting up a Basic init.txt File
Open up notepad then type this in:
sv_name [Type the name of the server here in quotation marks. Default is Halo]
sv_public [Type true or false. True=can see in game lobby. False=can’t.]
sv_maxplayers [1-16. See L for how much players your server can handle.]
sv_password [set the password for the server. For no password leave it blank.]
sv_mapcycle_timeout [# of seconds to restart the next game for the server]

sv_mapcycle_add [map name] [game variant in quotation marks]
sv_mapcycle_begin [Starts the map cycling with the specified game entries.]

You can add as many (sv_mapcycle_add)’s as you want. 
Save it in the same folder as the haloceded.exe is in and name it init.txt

Default map names are:
1. beavercreek (Battle Creek)
2. bloodgulch
3. boardingaction
4. carousel (Derelict)
5. chillout
6. damnation
7. dangercanyon
8. deathisland
9. gephyrophobia
10. hangemhigh
11. icefields
12. longest
13. infinity
14. prisoner
15. putput (Chiron TL34)
16. ratrace
17. sidewinder
18. timberland
19. wizard 

Default Gametypes are: 

1. oddball
2. slayer
3. juggernaut
4. king
5. crazy_king
6. race
7. ctf
8. assault
9. team_slayer
10. team_oddball
11. team_race
12. classic_slayer
13. classic_slayer_pro
14. classic_elimination
15. classic_phantoms
16. classic_endurance
17. classic_rockets
18. classic_snipers
19. classic_oddball
20. classic_reverse_tag
21. classic_accumulation
22. classic_juggernaut
23. classic_stalker
24. classic_king
25. classic_king_pro
26. classic_crazy_king
27. classic_race
28. classic_rally
29. classic_ctf
30. classic_invasion
31. classic_iron_ctf
32. classic_ctf_pro
33. classic_team_race
34. classit_team_rally
35. classic_team_ball
36. classic_team_king
37. classic_team_slayer 

F. Custom Gametypes
To create custom gametypes:
• Open up Halo Custom Edition then click on Multiplayer, Edit Gametypes, Create New Gametypes. When done save the gametype.
To add the custom gametype to your dedicated server:
1. Go to (by Default): My Documents\My Games\Halo CE\savegames
2. Look for a folder with the name of your newly created gametype then add it to the init.txt file where the gametypes go.

G. Message of the Day
Adding a Message of the Day:
1. Add sv_motd "[Name of file].txt" to your init.txt file before the maps area
2. Open Notepad (or a similar pure text editor) 
3. On the first 4 lines line enter your message. (note keep each line to less than 30 characters) 
4. Click "File" > "Save As" and then navigate to the folder where you installed Halo CE then save the file and name it "MOTD.txt" - Leave Save as Type to "Text Documents (*.txt)" and Encoding to "Ansi" then click "Save" 

H. Setting up Remote Control (RCON)

How to add rcon
1. Add sv_rcon_password [one word password. Example madhound or color]
How to use rcon:

First enable console:
1. Right click on your Halo CE icon and click on properties.
2. Under the tagset where it says "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\haloce.exe" add –console
3. It should look like this: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\haloce.exe" –console

Next using it in game:
1. Press the tilda button or ~ on the keyboard to the left of the 1 button under the Esc button.
2. Next type: rcon [what ever the password is] [command]

List of Commands (for rcon use):
• sv_ban [player name or index]
• sv_banlist
• sv_end_game
• sv_kick [player index or name]
• sv_map_next
• sv_map_restart
• sv_players [shows the list of players]
• sv_unban
• sv_say “enter text”

I. Setting up a Server Log

To enable the Server log function add the following commands to the init.txt before the sv_mapcycle_add commands: 
1. sv_log_file "[logfilename]" all one word. Can be found in C:\My Documents\My Games\Halo CE\savegames 
2. sv_log_enabled [1 or 0] 1=Enabled 0=disabled 
3. sv_log_echo_chat [1 or 0] 1=Enabled 0=disabled. Tells it to record all chat in the log. 
4. sv_log_rotation_threshold [numeric in kilobytes.] Tells it when to create a new log file so it doesn’t get to big. Ex: sv_log_rotation_threshold 1000

J. Autoban System
How to set up an Autoban system:
1. sv_tk_ban [number of tk’s it takes to be banned from server.] 
2. sv_tk_grace [time in seconds] a player can only be credited for one team kill every # of seconds, to prevent accidental grenade kills.
3. sv_tk_cooldown [time in minutes] cool down period is when a player will be forgiven one TKP if they have not committed another team kill.
4. sv_tk_penalty [ #m #h #d 0] m=minutes h=hours d=days 0=infinite. Up to four bans can be made then the fifth one is permanent. 
Example: sv_tk_penalty 60m 1d 7d 30d. That means that the person is first banned for 1 hour, if it happens again it is 1 day, then 1 week, then 1 month. If it happens again he is banned permanently.

How to unban:
Type the thing below in the dedicated server box or using rcon in the server. 
sv_unban [player name or corresponding number]
The banlist is located (by default) My Documents\My Games\Halo CE

K. Port Forwarding
To make your Server visible in the Game lobby you need to forward these ports through your firewalls and your router (if you have one)
Visit www.portforward.com for step by step instructions.

The default ports for Halo CE are:
• 80 (Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)) – Auto-update looks for and downloads updates through this port. 
• 2302 (User Datagram Protocol (UDP)) - Game host listens on this port. 
• 2303 (UDP) - Game client connects to host through this port.

L. Command Line Arguments
haloceded.exe -argument [option]
Example: (from halomaps.org) 
haloceded.exe -exec c:\haloCE\init.txt -path C:\haloCE\variants -IP -port 2322
• -? 
Displays a list of all arguments.
• -exec 
Specify which init.txt file to use for this instance of the dedicated server. The name of this file can be any name. 
• -cpu 
When using a multi-processor computer (SMP) server, it is possible to instruct Halo Dedicated Server to run on a specific CPU. To do so, use the –cpu n command line argument (where n is a given CPU, 0 being the first one). 
• -path 
Sets the default path to the Gametypes and the log file location. The default is C:\My Documents\My Games\Halo CE\savegames. 
• -port 
Different instances must, obviously, use different ports. -port is used to specify the port for the instance being launched. If a port is not specified the server will automatically choose an open port though the chosen port is not reported. 
• -ip x.x.x.x 
Server IP address used when you have multiple IP addresses and wish to bind the server to a specific IP address. If this command is omitted in servers running multiple IP addressess the the Halo Server will answer on all IPs. 

M. Running Multiple Servers

The Halo CE Dedicated Server supports multiple instances running on one computer. The maximum number of instances that can be run on a server is 8. When running multiple instances, each instance should use its own init.txt file and unless you desire it should have its own path for gametypes and log files. (See N to learn how t relocate log files and custom gametype files.)

Here is an example on how to run multiple instances, assuming the Halo CE Dedicated Server is installed in the C:\HaloCE folder: 

instance 1: 
C:\HaloCE\haloceded.exe -exec C:\halopc\init1.txt -cpu 0 -path C:\haloCE\variants1 -port 2307 

instance 2: 
C:\HaloCE\haloceded.exe -exec C:\halopc\init2.txt -cpu 1 -path C:\haloCE\variants2 -port 2305 

instance 3: 
C:\HaloCE\haloceded.exe -exec C:\halopc\init6.txt -cpu 0 -path C:\haloCE\variants31 -port 2312 

instance 4: 
C:\HaloCE\haloceded.exe -exec C:\halopc\init9.txt -cpu 1 -path C:\haloCE\variants7 -port 2313

N. Relocating Custom gametypes/log file folders
Adding this argument to the startup of the Halo CE Dedicated server: 
-path C:\haloCE\variants1 

It will tell the server to look in the C:\haloCE\variants1 for the \savegames folder that contains your custom gametypes. If enabled the log file will also be written to the same path. 

This is particularly useful for remote access to dedicated servers since the C:\My Documents\My Games\Halo CE\savegames will be determined by the account the server is running under. It is also required when you wish to run multiple instances of the dedicated server each with their own custom gametypes.

O. Dealing with Lag Issues
Why you may have lag when hosting Halo CE:
When hosting a game you need a good amount of bandwidth. The average amount of upload that comes with an internet connection is between 128 and 384 kbps. There is a difference between upload and download. Download is information your pc receives from the internet and upload is information your pc sends out. Test your upload speed at www.speedtest.net 

The amount of upload required (requirements for non-dedicated hosts):
• 128kbps or more can host - 4 people (3 recommended)
• 384kbps or more can host - 8 people
• 512kbps or more can host - 10 people
• Greater than 768 - 16 people

Other reasons could that your computer could be out of date. 
1. Processor is slow or needs more RAM
2. Less than a 128mb video card
3. Spyware problems
4. Virus Protection problems

Recommended System Requirements when hosting:
• 1.6ghz Processor
• 512mb of ram
• Windows XP or 2000
• Broadband Connection with good bandwidth

Programs that help out lag situations:
http://forums.halomods.com/viewtopic.php?t=11930 (you need to register to see the attachment on the first post.
http://hce.halomaps.org/index.cfm?pg=3&fid=3077 Install it then go to your halo ce root folder and click on the E3pO dedicated server.

The order to use all the programs:
1. Use the HCELagTweak to patch up the haloceded.exe
2. Then put your init.txt file in the root folder with the patched up haloceded.exe
3. Rune the E3DedicatedServer.exe from the E3pO download. (you can delete the other stuff.)
4. Run the EPG's HaloCE Dedicated DeLagonator v2 last for a maximum lag free environment. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Post on Friend's Facebook Timeline Via any Device


To post on your friend’s Facebook wall/timeline via Any Device, you need to know your Friend’s ID Number and the APP ID you want to use. To get your friend’s ID Number, simply go to your friend’s profile and copy the number at the end of the profile link. The link looks like this:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002514519463 so the id here is100002514519463. But if your friend is probably using a customized profile link like http://www.facebook.com/justnaira.team. To get the id number for such customized link simply go to Facebook ID Number Revealer Tool to reveal your friend’s ID.

Now that you know your friend's ID Number, and Check the APP ID of any application that you wish to use from the list of APP ID listed below, just use this link format;http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=APP ID&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com&display=touch&to=Your Friend’s ID
Now replace APP ID with the ID of the application you want to use.
Replace Your Friend’s ID with the ID you noted earlier.

For instance, when I want to post on Just Naira Facebook Timeline via BlackBerry, I will write it as http://www.facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=111498688870155&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com&display=touch&to=100002514519463

1. iPhone: 6628568379 
2. Blackberry: 111498688870155
3. Palm: 7081486362 
4. Sidekick: 21810043296 
5. Sony Ericsson: 38125372145 
6. Xbox LIVE: 5747726667 
7. iPad: 112930718741625 
8. Foursquare: 86734274142 
9. Telegram: 140881489259157 
10. Carrier Pigeon: 130263630347328 
11. Morse Code: 134929696530963 
12. Message in a Bottle: 123903037653697 
13. Commodore 64: 138114659547999 
14. Your moms computer: 132386310127809 
15. TRS-80: 134998549862981 
16. K.I.T.T.: 129904140378622 
17. Mind Computer Interface: 121111184600360 
18. eyePhone: 110455835670222 
19. toaster: 203192803063920 
20. microwave: 0a5266c8844a1b09211e7eb38242ac2f 
21. Super Nintendo Entertainment System: 235703126457431 
22. Gameboy Color: 180700501993189 
23. GoD: 256591344357588 
24. Glade Air Freshner: 4aeb4db2e8df1cdb7f952b2269afb560 
25. Strawberry: a4c9fb1708a848c2241674531176209b 
26. The moon: 221826277855257 
27. Dr. Pepper: eea90d40e1d12565695dbbbdbd5e965b 
28. Nintendo wii: 243870508973644 
29. Alcohol: 250335888312118 
30. Cheese: 218791271497130 
31. iPod Nano: 142039005875499 
32. Nintendo 64: 236264753062118 
33. Microsoft Excel: 242740155751069 
34. Linux Ubuntu: 220593361311050 
35. iPhone 5g: 211333348912523 
36. My Bedroom: 174811032586879 
37. Your Mums Bedroom: 5f64bbc9ac2f12b983200925da461322 
38. Lamp: 230755826955133 
39. Your moms anus: b625297b655f0b46c86b68f754b82121 
40. Refrigerator: 250828364944350 
41. A potato: 127926427295267 
42. Nasa Satellite: 31d608d30292175bf7703149699ccb39 
43. Vibrator: eb4c6d1a60e19a7795da501e1f468035 
44. Sperm Whale: 170318539700306 
45. Pogo Stick: 185103391549701 
46. Banana Phone: 1477a4cd29ec724a3de19be5d26e0389 
47. Google+: 4d8243dbb7064f88351fe6c809582320 
48. The Future: 108372819220732 
49. Smoke Signal: 134138923334682 
50. tin cans connected by string: 242191299125647 
51. Pokedex: de3da265cf6976745bb1d60a8c198151 
52. Telepathy: ea01a57edb26cf1de143f09d45cfa913 
53. Typewriter: d3d554bf60297cb2c384e3d7cf5a066d 
54. Harry Potter: b8ebeb983f45eaa0bd5f4f66cad97654 
55. TARDIS: 200439256674396 
56. Pip Boy: 142806259133078 
57. Mind Control: 1dc633368924b3b0b4d08e3f83230760 
58. Jedi Mind Control: 240597869302110 
59. Telekinesis: 224139600960217 
60. Post-It Note: 115227201900831 
61. GLaDOS: 246126362083515 
62. Ansible: 185474028180003 
63. W.O.P.R: 228373497202865 
64. Airwolf: 123944137696757 
65. HMCS Belafonte: 222345601140304 
66. Hogwarts: 2dc1d3004dbc4a67c4b552be3c25ccb0 
67. Stephen Hawking's Wheelchair: 129985073756521 
68. Head Antenna: 221107014598348 
69. UPS: 258012620879655 
70. Fedex: 232029733497914 
71. Raven from King's Landing: 193094050743722 
72. Harbinger of Doom: 180354375362451 
73. Mind Meld: 186993071361881 
74. Unspeakable Ritual: 174903625908095 
75. A Van down by the River: 119883641439994 
76. Pony Express: 186359518090057 
77. Sub-Etha: 120168391409358 
78. Myspace: 119920871434786 
79. Friendster: 247310815280913 
80. Zombocom: 195518590504787 
81. Postcard: 213487932030106 
82. Toilet: 173687282696461 
83. Minecraft: 231623746870852 
84. Accident: 211312955581644 
85. Mystery Machine: 259314457416472 
86. Magic: 181277448602956 
87. Hell: 148841558523990 
88. The afterlife: 220816157954138 
89. Heaven: 245437548809330 
90. The Event Horizon: 119999311425820 
91. The Laughing Man: 222077737828487 
92. The Lexx: 123356437754169 
93. Microsoft Zune: 23244056678669

If you need an APP ID that is not listed here, don’t hesitate to use the comment box to request for it.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Joulemeter is a software tool that estimates the power consumption of your computer. It tracks computer resources, such as CPU utilization and screen brightness, and estimates power usage.
Download Details
File Name:JoulemeterSetup.msi
Date Published:29 September 2011
Download Size:0.90 MB

Note: By installing, copying, or otherwise using this software, you agree to be bound by the terms of its license. Read the license.

About Joulemeter

Energy costs have become increasingly important to computing, since they directly impact the power provisioning cost for computing infrastructures, the operating expense for both data centers and enterprise buildings, as well as battery life for laptops and mobile devices.
The Joulemeter project focuses on the following aspects related to energy optimization:
  • Modeling — Joulemeter provides a software tool to estimate the energy usage of a virtual machine (VM), a computer, server, or software application. It also allows modeling the impact of power management of various components such as the CPU, screen, memory, and storage on total power use. Many of these power measurements are not possible in hardware since software components such as VMs do not have a single wire supplying their power where a hardware power meter may be installed.
  • Optimization  We use the visibility provided by Joulemeter's modeling techniques to improve power provisioning and consumption costs in various scenarios ranging from data centers, enterprise computing, and battery operated machines. 
Short Video: Introducing Joulemeter [3min 30sec]
Detailed Video: Inside Joulemeter [34 min]

Power Modeling

Joulemeter estimates the energy usage of a VM, computer, or software by measuring the hardware resources (CPU, disk, memory, screen, etc.) being used and converting the resource usage to actual power usage based on automatically learned realistic power models.
Block diagram
Joulemeter can be used for gaining visibility into energy use and for making several power management and provisioning decisions in data centers, client computing, and software design.
The technology is especially helpful for IT leaders managing power management settings, PC users who wish to get fine grained visibility into their computing energy use, and enthusiast developers who wish to leverage power measurement for optimizing their software and hosted service design for power usage. The fundamental concepts behind how the technology works are available in the paper, Virtual Machine Power Metering and Provisioning.

Power Optimization

The visibility provided by the Joulemeter modeling tool can be used to optimize power use in multiple scenarios. The measurement of VM power allows developing power budgeting techniques for virtualized data centers. Managing and tracking PC sleep, combined with remote wakeup, allows optimizing desktop power consumption in enterprise buildings. Separating the impact of hardware components on battery life allows users to trade-off power management settings for improving battery life and enables developers to make appropriate design trade-offs for their software applications. Details on many of these use cases are available in the Joulemeter research publications listed below.

System Requirements

To run this software, you’ll need the following:
  • Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7
Recommended hardware:
  • No extra hardware is required on laptops. For desktop machines, a WattsUp power meter (WattsUp Pro with USB connection) is recommended for learning an accurate power model for your computer. The power model enables Joulemeter to provide more accurate power data. The meter can be shared among multiple computers and users as it is needed once, for only a few minutes, per computer. The software will work without a power meter as well.


What's new in version 1.2 (Sep 2011)
  • Added features to perform approximate calibration on PCs where CPU frequency monitoring is not supported by the firmware.
  • Additional enhancements to work on a larger variety of Windows 7 machines.
What's new in version 1.1 (May 2011), compared to version 1.0 Alpha:
  • Application energy metering feature added.
  • Save to file option is provided to save power data.
  • Manual editing of power model is supported.
  • A single application is used for calibration and power usage monitoring (instead of a background service and a taskbar based application).
  • Several improvements have been made to the calibration process, making it more likely to succeed on a variety of computers.
  • A new user interface is provided.

Installation Instructions

Note This application sends information to Microsoft Research about your computer. They do not collect personal information or other data stored on your hard disk. Read  Privacy Statement.
To install Joulemeter, do the following:
  1. Click the Download button above.
  2. Download the JoulementerSetup.msi to your computer.
  3. Double-click the JoulementerSetup.msi file.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

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